7 Andela Alternatives For SaaS Founders

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As a SaaS founder, navigating the world of software development can be a lot of work. Although Andela is a reputable platform that offers dev talent, considering alternatives may benefit you. 

In this guide, you will check out seven alternatives that offer the same or better benefits than Andela.

What is Andela?

Andela is a platform connecting businesses with top software development talent, mostly from Africa. The idea is to help companies access world-class talent while supporting economic growth and skill development in African countries. 

Key Features of Andela

  • Andela connects businesses with skilled software developers from Africa.
  • They have a rigorous vetting process and provide training to ensure that clients get top-notch developers.
  • Clients get a dedicated remote team that they can scale up or down as needed.
  • Andela’s developers are proficient in web and mobile development, data science, machine learning, and DevOps.
  • Andela has partnerships with leading tech companies and startups, including Fortune 500 companies.
  • Working with Andela gives you access to a diverse talent pool.

Essential factors to consider when choosing Andela

  • Access to global talent: Andela offers access to a diverse pool of skilled developers from around the world, which can help you build a well-rounded team with unique perspectives and ideas.
  • Affordability: Andela understands that budget is a key consideration for SaaS founders, so they offer reasonable fees without compromising on quality.
  • Flexibility: Andela’s developers are known for being adaptable and independent. This makes them ideal for startups and small businesses working under tight deadlines and changing requirements.
  • Training: Andela provides strict training for their developers, ensuring they are highly skilled and able to handle any challenges while working on your project.

Searching for an Andela alternative? Here are some questions to ask 

What skills are essential for your product?

Knowing the skills your product needs can help narrow your search for a suitable alternative to Andela. This information will help you find developers with the expertise to complete your project effectively.

What are your requirements for time zone or location preference?

If you need developers within a particular time zone or location, you’d have to factor this in when considering your options. This will help you find candidates who can work during business hours and meet your product requirements.

What is your budget, scope, and timeline?

It’s super important to know your budget, project scope, and timeline when you’re on the hunt for an Andela alternative that fits the bill.

What are you hiring for? Single Project or Full-time?

Determine whether you are hiring for a single project or full-time. This information helps you find a suitable candidate to effectively meet your product’s demands.

Top 7 Andela alternatives to consider

There are plenty of great alternatives to Andela. Here’s a list of the top options available on the market.


ReactSquad is an exclusive staff augmentation agency that helps SaaS startups accelerate their product development by providing them with remote React-specialized engineers.

Why ReactSquad is a great alternative to Andela

A budget-friendly alternative to Andela, ReactSquad enables SaaS founders to access top-notch React developers without breaking the bank. This allows you to invest more resources in other areas of your business to boost growth and success.

ReactSquad is known for its quick response and efficient service, which is crucial for SaaS founders operating in fast-paced industries. Their ability to deliver high-quality work on tight deadlines helps keep your project on track. You can also hire developers for short and long-term projects on a month-to-month contract basis.

The best part? ReactSquad acts as the employer of record for all their engineers. That means you don’t have to worry about administrative overheads, compliance, or extra costs with employing full-time staff.


This exclusive platform boasts a network of over 8,000 developers and designers from the Latin American regions. To ensure that they offer only top-quality talent, CloudDevs uses a strict five-stage vetting process. It’s an excellent choice for startups and entrepreneurs seeking high-quality talent without breaking the bank.

Why CloudDevs is a Great Alternative to Andela

First and foremost, CloudDevs is committed to ensuring effective communication and service delivery by assigning talent based on the client’s time zone. You can be matched with talent in under forty-eight hours, making it easy to start your project as soon as possible. 

Regarding pricing, CloudDevs charges a flat fee between $45 to $70 per hour, making it a cost-effective solution.


Turing is one of the top platforms to hire talented software developers. You can hire from over 2 million qualified candidates from all over the world.

Why Turing is a Great Alternative to Andela

Turing is more flexible compared to Andela. This helps to easily scale their teams up or down as needed. Its efficient hiring process reduces the time and effort required to find the right developers for your SaaS company. By handling the screening, vetting, and onboarding processes, Turing enables you to focus on your core business objectives while ensuring access to top-notch talent.


Toptal is a global hiring platform for recruiting top freelance developers, designers, and project managers. This platform can help you hire tech talent at any seniority level from anywhere in the world.

Why Toptal is a Great Alternative to Andela

Toptal offers a global talent pool. This broad reach allows SaaS founders to tap into a diverse array of devs who can help scale their projects quickly and adapt to changing requirements.

Toptal’s strict screening process ensures you’re matched with top-notch professionals suited to your needs. 

Learn more about Toptal in our in-depth review here.


Gun.io offers skilled devs who have been thoroughly screened and carefully selected for their outstanding abilities and expertise. 

Why Gun.Io is a Great Alternative to Andela

Gun.io offers a competitive rate that doesn’t compromise on quality. Plus, with Gun.io, you can work with an exclusive group of talented software developers. 

In terms of user experience, Gun.io has a straightforward process for hiring and managing your remote team. Lastly, Gun.io prioritizes communication and transparency, which means you’ll always be in the loop on the progress and can provide real-time feedback.


Arc.dev specializes in helping clients hire full-time remote developers in a flash – with a typical completion of 1 to 3 weeks. Their developers are true experts in their fields and charge between  $60 to $200+ per hour. 

Why Arc.dev is a great alternative to Andela

With a six-step screening process and a tight 1.1% pass rate, Arc.dev sets itself apart as a superior alternative. If you’re okay with paying more, then Arc.dev should be on your radar.


Codeable is a platform that specializes in WordPress development. You can access a pool of talented professionals who have undergone a forty-five-day probation period to ensure they meet their high standards. 

Why Codeable is a Great Alternative to Andela

Codeable’s thorough screening ensures that only the most talented and experienced WordPress coders make it onto their platform, so you can be sure you’re getting the best.

If you have a project that requires WordPress expertise, Codeable provides free estimates without any obligation to hire through them.

What are the best alternatives to hiring remote developers for your product?

Each platform listed has unique features that make it the best option for different requirements. Let’s explore some of them.

ScenarioBestSecond Best
You need excellent standards on a lower budgetCloudDevsGun.io
Timing is critical and you want to hire quicklyReactSquadGun.io
It is a long term projectCloudDevsReactSquad
You require senior developers with 5+ years of experienceReactSquadArc.dev
You need WordPress developersCodeable
You need React developersReactSquad

Best Alternative to Andela

We recommend ReactSquad as the best alternative to Andela for hiring freelance developers, especially if you run a SaaS startup.

Why We Recommend

  • Unlike other alternatives, ReactSquad is fully focused on one specific tech stack (React & Node.js). Their developers have high expertise and a niche focus on SaaS products
  • Reactsquad has a rigorous vetting process for their developers; with 4 interview rounds and 4 weeks working on a paid test project
  • Senior developers with 5+ years experience
  • Startup-friendly rates (starting from $75/hr)
  • 7-day free trial with your matched developer and a replacement guarantee at any point during your project
  • You can hire React devs for short and long-term SaaS projects and pay on a month-to-month basis

Visit ReactSquad’s website to get matched with the best React developers for your SaaS startup.


The right partnership in software development is like finding the perfect pieces to a puzzle. SaaS founders can accelerate growth, innovate efficiently, and surpass industry standards with the right match. Take the time to understand your specific needs, align them with these platforms’ services, and set your SaaS venture on the path to unparalleled success.

Reactsquad is a React.js agency for SaaS startups, with some of the best React developers in European and USA time zones.

Visit Reactsquad’s website to get started today with a 7-day free trial.

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