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Why Product Ops is crucial for high-growth startups with Melissa Perri

Why Product Ops is crucial for high-growth startups with Melissa Perri

This week, our spotlight falls on Melissa Perri. Melissa is a product management consultant and co-author of Product Operations. She founded Produx Labs, where she helps SaaS scaleups transform their product management functions. In The SaaS Operator newsletter from 16th April 2024, you’ll learn: Why the Product Ops role is critical 60% of hypergrowth startups like […]
The 10-Point Fundraising Checklist by Jason Calacanis (Early Investor in Uber, Calm)

01 The 10-Point Fundraising Checklist by Jason Calacanis (Early Investor in Uber, Calm)

Jason Calacanis is one of Silicon Valley’s most successful angel investors. His LAUNCH fund has invested in 300+ startups, including Uber, Calm, and Stripe. He also co-hosts the popular “All In” podcast. In The SaaS Operator newsletter from 20th February 2024, you’ll learn: Jason created a 100-point founder checklist to help founders get funding for […]...
The VC-Approach to Marketing with Kipp Bodnar (CMO @HubSpot)

02 The VC-Approach to Marketing with Kipp Bodnar (CMO @HubSpot)

This week, we bring you golden nuggets from Kipp Bodnar, CMO at HubSpot. Since joining the company in 2010, Kipp has led HubSpot’s inbound and B2B marketing efforts. He’s helped to grow the company to more than $2bn in revenue. In The SaaS Operator newsletter from 7 December 2023, you’ll learn: Choosing your marketing channel Picking the wrong marketing […]...
User Acquisition for PLG companies with Kyle Poyar (Partner @OpenView)

03 User Acquisition for PLG companies with Kyle Poyar (Partner @OpenView)

Kyle Poyar is a partner at OpenView, an expansion-stage VC firm that helps portfolio companies accelerate growth and become market leaders. His team has helped the portfolio generate over $200 million in additional enterprise value in the last 4 years. His PLG newsletter Growth Unhinged has 20,000+ subscribers. In The SaaS Operator newsletter from 13 […]...
Product-Led Sales with Alexa Grabell (Co-founder @ Pocus)

04 Product-Led Sales with Alexa Grabell (Co-founder @ Pocus)

Sorry, product-led growth. There’s a new cool kid on the block and its name is product-led sales. Alexa Grabell and her team at Pocus are the brains behind the term.  Alexa has a first-rate resume: Stanford MBA, stints at KPMG and Dataminr, and founder of a startup accelerator. Most recently, she co-founded Pocus, a product-led […]...