What is acceptance testing in SaaS?

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Acceptance testing is a form of software testing used to determine whether a software application meets the end user’s requirements. In other words, it ensures the software does what the user wants it to do. 

The development team usually does these tests, but independent testers can also do them. This type of testing is usually done black-box style; testers don’t know how things work internally. They only see what’s happening on outside surfaces like input screens or output displays. 

In the agile world, acceptance testing is an ongoing process throughout the software development cycle. This shift in thinking is mainly because user requirements are often fluid and constantly changing.

Acceptance testing differs from unit testing and integration testing. Unit tests focus on individual components or modules of code, while integration tests assess how well those components work together. On the other hand, acceptance tests focus on whether or not the system as a whole meets the needs of the user.

What is acceptance testing for?

Testing is essential to the software development process, and acceptance testing is necessary. By doing these tests, we can ensure that the software meets the user’s needs and that it’s fit for purpose. Product managers can also use it to test for other things like usability and performance. 

Acceptance tests are based on several factors, but the requirements determine how they are carried out. A requirement document outlines what the system is supposed to do and how it works.

Benefits of Acceptance Testing

For starters, it helps to ensure that the system meets the requirements agreed upon by the system owner and user. Secondly, it can help improve the system’s quality by spotting issues early on. Finally, it can help to speed up deployment by fixing those problems identified before release.

Conducting an Acceptance test

To conduct a practical acceptance test, it’s crucial to clearly understand what user needs should be met by the system under test. After identifying these needs, you can create a set of test cases that cover all aspects of the system to assess whether or not it meets those needs. If the development team finds any defects during testing they must resolve them before they can accept the software for release. 

Types of acceptance tests

Generally speaking, there are two types of acceptance tests: functional and non-functional. Functional tests focus on assessing specific functionality within the system, such as verifying that a search function works correctly. Non-functional tests, on the other hand, focus on attributes like performance and scalability. Ultimately, both tests are essential to ensure that an accepted system meets all user needs.

What is acceptance test-driven development?

Acceptance test-driven development, or ATDD, is a type of software development process where acceptance tests are the main drivers of the software’s design. In other words, you write the tests before you write the code. It helps to ensure that the system meets the agreed requirements.


Before the advent of modern software development methodologies, the term “acceptance testing” was used to refer to a final testing stage where real-world users evaluated a product. If the product met their expectations, it was considered “accepted” for release. However, over time, the meaning has evolved. 

We can trace acceptance testing back to Frederick Brooks’ paper, “The Mythical Man-Month.” In the report, Brooks discusses the concept of a unit test, a type of software testing that checks to see if a module meets its requirements. He also discusses system testing, a kind of testing that checks to see if the system as a whole meets its requirements. Acceptance testing builds on both concepts by checking to see if the software meets the requirements of the product owner and user.

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