Top 10 quotes by Greg Isenberg
Who is Greg Isenberg?
Greg Isenberg is the Co-Founder & CEO of Late Checkout, a product studio focused on communities. He’s also an angel investor. He’s made about five investments, with his latest investment in Rare Circles in February 2022.
Here are 10 of Greg’s best quotes on entrepreneurship and life
1) “Entrepreneurship is not about having an idea; it’s about turning that idea into a reality.”
2) “The biggest mistake entrepreneurs make is not pivoting quickly enough when things aren’t going well.”
3) “Life is defined by the people you spend time with.”
4) “When starting a business, be prepared to work harder than you’ve ever worked before.”
5) “The best businesses are the ones that solve a problem.”
6) “You have to be able to take risks if you want to succeed in business.”
7) “When like-minded people come together, extraordinary things happen.”
8) “Trust your gut instinct; it’s usually right.”
9) “Your biggest asset is your brain; use it!”
10) “Persistence is key when starting a business.”