
How to use the Buy-a-Feature Model to Improve your SaaS

How to use the Buy-a-Feature Model to Improve your SaaS

For a product manager, prioritizing which features to build is one of the biggest challenges. There are a million different things you could be working on, but you can’t do them all at once. And if your goal is to improve your product with relevant features, then PMs can utilize the Buy-a-Feature Model. What is […]
What is Behavioral Product Management (BPM)?

What is Behavioral Product Management (BPM)?

Like most SaaS owners, you probably think of product management as simply coming up with new products and features and then releasing them on the App Store, Play Store, or your website. But there’s a lot more to it. One of the most critical aspects of product management is understanding consumer behavior. It’s through a […]
Adaptive Software Development (ASD)

Adaptive Software Development (ASD)

What is Adaptive Software Development? Software development is a complex process that can be challenging to manage. Adaptive software development is an agile methodology that enables the project to be flexible to change when necessary, so it always fits the scope and direction of the company. It’s characterized by short development cycles, early delivery, and […]
What is acceptance testing in SaaS?

What is acceptance testing in SaaS?

Acceptance testing is a form of software testing used to determine whether a software application meets the end user’s requirements. In other words, it ensures the software does what the user wants it to do.  The development team usually does these tests, but independent testers can also do them. This type of testing is usually […]
What is the AARRR framework?

What is the AARRR framework?

The AARRR framework is a set of five metrics that SaaS companies should monitor for product-led growth. It’s an acronym meaning Acquisition, Activation Retention, Referral, Revenue – it helps you understand your customer journey and user behavior, so you can know what to do at each stage to convert potential customers into paying ones! The […]