Product Marketing

Top 10 Product Marketing KPIs Every PMM Should Track

Top 10 Product Marketing KPIs Every PMM Should Track

Product marketing is becoming more crucial in the SaaS industry. Companies have realized that it’s not enough to do regular marketing to attract customers. They need to find a way to stand out in the market, attract customers, AND constantly engage these customers so that they’re always experiencing the value of their product. If companies […]
Product Marketing Stakeholders and Why They Matter

Product Marketing Stakeholders and Why They Matter

Navigating the SaaS world isn’t just about the code. The success cocktail includes a blend of people from different departments of the company, aka the product marketing stakeholders.  From product managers to customer support, they have a stake in how things roll out. Why do they matter? Because product marketers can’t make a product successful […]
Audience segmentation for better targeting in product marketing

Audience segmentation for better targeting in product marketing

In today’s digital age, not all consumers are created equal. Audience segmentation helps to pinpoint different groups of users who use your product. It’s not just about talking; it’s about sending the right message to the right people.  Let’s dive into the heart of why segmentation is a modern marketing must-have. What is Audience Segmentation? […]
What is Product Messaging? (Step-by-step framework + examples)

What is Product Messaging? (Step-by-step framework + examples)

TL;DR Product messaging is your language, it’s your vibe, it’s the way you’re showing off what your product is all about – its value. It’s not just about the big words or the fancy jargon. It’s about how you highlight your product’s key features and its ability to solve pain points.  It’s about crafting a […]
The Right User Engagement Strategy in SaaS Product Marketing

The Right User Engagement Strategy in SaaS Product Marketing

As a SaaS product marketer, acquiring new customers is only the beginning. You need to maintain your users by ensuring they stay, use your product, see its value, and become loyal fans. This article will provide several simple strategies to enhance user engagement in your SaaS marketing approach.  Understanding User Engagement in SaaS User engagement […]